Minor points of theology?

In conversation quite some time ago, with the pastor of a small church, he referred to the difference between a faith based on the Doctrines of Grace and one based upon a Doctrine of Works as a minor point of theology. It was certainly not worthy of real discussion, let alone argument.

He was particularly concerned that someone might consider the difference between Limited Atonement and Unlimited Atonement of any significance to their faith.

What could I say? The time and place were not appropriate for getting into a brew ha ha, but I was almost speechless. My previous experience also said that any short discussion would prove fruitless and divisive if his mind was already made up.

That said, if one truly considers matters of foundational doctrinal identity to be of no real importance, what then IS of importance?

In the end, he was of the “let’s just forget all this doctrinal silliness and love Jesus” school. He did not realize that he was thereby challenging the actual efficacy of the work of Jesus and the extent  of His love for us.

So, how and to what degree should we seek theological clarity? Does it matter? The answer is: Of course it does, because clarity brings conviction irrespective of circumstance. Without clarity, faith is merely based on wish and whim.