Reformed Baptist Confession of Faith and Catechism
Many Protestant denominational groups have Confessions of Faith and Catechisms. The Westminster Confession of Faith is likely the most well known of these.
A Confession (the word is not used in the sense that it is in our century) of Faith is a statement of beliefs about God, and life under His administration. It lays out a denomination’s understanding of what the Bible says authoritatively on matters of belief, faith and Godly behaviour. A Catechism boils down the statement of faith, which can be very large and challenging to read, to a series of straightforward questions and answers, with Bible references. It provides an understandable and memorable statement of belief for application. It was and is often used to educate children in the faith.
Reformed Baptists most often adhere to the 1689 London Baptist Confession of Faith. Many churches require agreement with it for membership.
Although there is no official Catechism formally associated with the 1689 Confession, several have emerged over the years. Two of the most recognized are ones by Benjamin Keach in 1677 and by William Collins in 1693 . As mentioned above. a catechism is most often thought of as a teaching aid for children or new believers. However, perhaps most Christians would benefit from regularly reviewing one. The great Metropolitan Bible Church, London, preacher Charles Spurgeon was a firm advocate for catechizing all believers. He also provided a commentary and study guide for the 1689 Confession (see below).
Below, in either PDF or online format, 1689 Confessions and Catechisms. The first two, both by Charles Haddon Spurgeon, are especially recommended.
1689 Baptist Confession Text with slight revisions
by Charles Haddon Spurgeon
Spurgeon’s Catechism with Notes
A strong Reformed Baptist catechism
1689 Baptist Confession in Modern English
1689 Baptist Confession of Faith Online
The Baptist Catechism by Benjamin Keach (1677)